Tuesday, January 5, 2010

100 miles by the end of March - day #3

I ran outside! got off the treadmill, faced my fear and ran almost 3 miles outside, like a real runner! boy was i frightened!! i didn't know how to dress, its cold, but sunny and i had know idea where to run.
so i put on 2 long sleeves and my warmest pants and just headed out the door. I dodged the ice and went through a gaggle of geese, through the snow when i didn't have a side walk (not sure i should be running on the road), i went up hill, down hill, and the sun blinding my sight and then at my back. I had tears running down my cheeks (cold and wind) and snot trying to drip. BUT.... I did it! My plan was to run for min. of 20 mins knowing that would be at least 2 miles and a max of 30 min because thats what i do on the treadmill. Well i ran for 22 mins! 2.84 miles. Thats what my nike+ says so i will call it 2 miles just so i don't cheat myself.
I was uncomfortable, to many cloths, i pod in my hand was bugging me but the entire run i was smiling inside, thinking, I'm running outside!
89 miles to go!

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